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real oz stator/magneto for motorized bicycle builds best ignition upgrades you can get on china doll
80cc bike engine magneto upgrade
80cc Oz Magneto vs. Stock Magneto Upgrade Results
What do you do with the white wire on motorized bike engine? Magneto Coil Loop
UPDATE: Improving Magneto Contacts | BikeBerry Tips and Tricks
How to test if Magneto works properly (Motorized bicycle 80cc engine 2stroke)
Installing The Stage 1 Cdi Kit on Motorized Bike (First Impressions)
Adjusting Ignition Timing on a 2 Stroke Motorized Bike (Updated)
How to NOT Fry Your Magneto 2: Motorized Bicycle 80cc/66cc
No Spark? Won't Start? How To Test and Replace The Magneto Coil 2 Stroke Motorized Bike
Motorized Bike gets Performance Upgrades!
Motorized Bicycle 80cc 60cc Magneto Troubleshooting (Quickie)